Thank You For Your Faithfulness!
Your Giving Enables Us To Make A Difference In Our Community, Country And Around The World.
Ways To Give
Here are some easy ways to support our church.
Give Online
Online giving is an easy way to give outside of our Sunday Service. There’s options to do a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation. It is safe and secure.

At Church Service
You’ll have the opportunity to give in any of our services.
There will be tithe and offering boxes at the entrance and exits. Ask an usher or greeter for a giving envelope.

By Mail
Donations can be mailed directly to our church office:
8886 Muraoka Drive,
Gilroy, CA 95020

Stocks And Bonds
If you would like to donate stocks and bonds please contact our church office to find out how using the form below.

Legacy Gifts
Designate a Legacy Gift from your estate and will. Contact our church office for more information using the form below.

Amazon Smile
Shop at Amazon through our Amazon Smile account. 0.5% of all purchases made will be donated to our church.
Get In Touch
Let us know how we can help. You can use this form to contact anyone in the office. Please note that the responses will be slower at the weekend and on holidays.