Small Groups

Small Groups

Groups meet in different places on different days. Sign up and we will find you a group near where you live, or find a group from the information below that best suits you for time and location and let us know which group you want to join.
Groups can be found near the following cross streets. Please use the reference number with G for Gilroy in front of the number when expressing interest in joining a specific group or where shown, the hosts names.

Not Ready To Meet With People In Person?
Not Ready To Meet With People In Person?
We Have Groups That Meet Online

Zoom Meetings do not meet in person, but we will still try to assign you to a group where the host is nearby if possible.

Find Your Groups

Gilroy Small Groups
Gilroy Small Groups
  • G1 Meets near Gilroy High School on Wednesdays at 6:30pm
  • G2 – FULL Meets  near 3rd and Miller on Sundays 4pm
  • G3 Meets near Fowler and Wentz Drive on Monday Evening 6pm
  • G5 Wren Ave and Einstein Place on Wednesday evening at 6:30pm
  • G9 Meets near Las Animas School
  • G10 Junior High – Sunday Morning at New Hope
  • G11 High School – Sunday Morning at New Hope
Morgan Hill Small Groups
Morgan Hill Small Groups

Groups can be found near the following cross streets. Please use the reference number with the MH  for Morgan Hill in front of the number when expressing interest in joining a specific group or where shown, the hosts names.

  • MH1 – meets near Jackson Oaks off East Dunne Ave on Thursday evening at 7pm
  • MH2 – FULL Meet near Kelly Park Circle and Murphy Ave on Wednesday at 6:30pm
Hollister Small Groups
Hollister Small Groups

Groups can be found near the following cross streets. Please use the reference number with the H for Hollister in front of the number when expressing interest in joining a specific group or where shown, the hosts names.

  • H1 Near Union Rd and Southside Rd – Wednesday Evening 6:30pm