What To Expect
Here are the things you can expect by attending our services in-person.

We Are Casual
Dress as you would if you were going to see a good friend. You won’t find many ties and jackets around you at New Hope.
Feel free to talk to people around you before and after the service. We even like encouraging shout backs in the preaching.

We Like To Sing
We think we have great worship at New Hope and we hope you will agree when you visit. You don’t have to sing, but the words are up on a big screen so you can sing along if you want to.

We suggest that you arrive five to ten minutes before the service starts so you can get acclimated and meet a few people. The information booth is the best place to start – WE WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU PLEASE.
The Service will be about 60-70 minutes with a 30 minute message from a pastor or guest speaker.
After the service hang around and if you didn’t get to the information booth before the service, go there afterwards. We’d love to get you connected.
How To Get To Us
New Hope is located at 8886 Muraoka Drive, Gilroy. Parking is available as you enter the property as well as behind the building and on the street. There will be parking attendants to help you find the right spot.
New Hope is near bus stops for the 68 on Monterey & Welburn and the 85 on Leavesley and Murray. It is about a 15 minute walk from the bus stop.
Gilroy is a busy city. For your safety, please use sidewalks where available, walking paths, and designated crosswalks whenever available.